BattleGround ’22 Election Survey Results are IN: Part 1

(Annie Black) – Thank you for participating in my BattleGround ’22 Survey.  Your responses have been extremely helpful and interesting.  As promised, here are results from three of the questions:

Question 1: “Should Donald Trump run for president again in 2024?”

75% said YES.  12.5% said NO.  And another 12.5% were UNSURE.

This doesn’t surprise me.  No, we didn’t win every battle when President Trump was in office.  The Democrats used their majority to block many of the President’s initiatives.  But here’s the thing the President’s detractors just don’t get…


Too often in the past, Republicans looked at something that was difficult to achieve and simply gave up.  Conceded.  Republicans don’t expect to win every battle.  But they do want to see their representatives at least put up a fight.

President Trump did.  And his supporters continue to reward him with their loyalty.  We’ll just have to wait and see what he decides to do in 2024.

Question 2: “How confident are you that Republicans will nominate a candidate who can beat Gov. Steve Sisolak in the 2022 general election?”

47.4% responded NOT VERY CONFIDENT.  32.9% responded SOMEWHAT CONFIDENT.  16.4% responded VERY CONFIDENT.  And 3.3% were UNSURE.

The results of this question were a little surprising.  Almost half of you are seriously worried about the GOP’s chances to defeat a Democrat governor who has abused his “emergency” authority to control our state by executive orders without approval of the Nevada Legislature.

Gov. Sisolak has totally mismanaged the COVID situation and exercised terrible judgment.  Just look at the DETR disaster in handling all the unemployment claims that flooded in after his shutdown orders.

And if Democrats continue to control the Legislature in 2023 – as could very well be the case after redistricting later this year – it will be CRITICAL to elect a Republican governor who will veto the kinds of bad bills the Democrats passed this year.

Question 4: “Should the Nevada Republican Party re-elect Chairman Michael McDonald this fall or is it time for someone new?”

70.2% of respondents said it was time to BRING IN SOME NEW BLOOD.  22.8% were UNDECIDED.  And only 6.9% said the chairman should be RE-ELECTED.

This isn’t surprising considering the GOP has had three successive election cycles in which Democrats have solidified their control over government at multiple levels in Nevada.

On the other hand, President Trump released a letter last week renewing his support for Chairman McDonald.  And Mr. Don Ahern, a huge Trump supporter, has agreed to serve as the party’s Finance Chairman for the ’22 election cycle.

There are around 300 Nevada Republicans who serve on the party’s Central Committee who will vote in the election for party officers in the fall.  Regardless of who they elect, I will work with him/her to boost the number of Republicans elected to office in ’22.

I’ll discuss the results of questions #3 and #5 separately and in more detail in coming AnnieGrams.


Annie Black is the Nevada State Assemblywoman representing District 19.  You can get more information and subscribe to her AnnieGram newsletter by visiting

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