AnnieTV: Kids in the Candy Store

Here’s my floor statement on the “windfall” revenue projection predicted on Wednesday by the Economic Forum…


Mr. Speaker,

On Wednesday the Economic Forum predicted the state will have an additional half-billion dollars in revenue over the next two years.

And many in this building are already rushing to spend it like a kid in the candy store on allowance day.

Instead, at least some of that money should be used to give our battered business community a little help in recovering from the devastation brought on them by the governor’s year-long shutdown orders.

Nevada is one of only five states that require a state business license, in addition to all the licenses and permits they’re required to obtain at the local level.

It also charges the highest fee.

Repealing the state business license would not only provide our small business community with a little tax relief, but would eliminate a totally unnecessary paperwork burden so they can focus on rebuilding their business and creating new jobs.

I understand this windfall is burning a hole in the pockets of many of my colleagues who want to spend it on pet projects and non-essential government programs.

But that would be fiscally irresponsible.

Instead, we should eliminate the state business license fee altogether and use the rest of the money to replenish the rainy day fund the governor and the Legislature drained last year.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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