Assembly GOP Leaders Master the Art of Blowing a Deal

(Annie Black) – If you’re like me, you oppose efforts by Gov. Sisolak and the Democrats to make the “temporary” election changes (AB4) from last summer – including automatic mail-in balloting and ballot harvesting – permanent.

Now, this AnnieGram is gonna be a little “inside baseball,” but I think it’s important that you know and understand just how badly our “leaders” in the Assembly are blowing things up here.

Assembly Bill 321 (AB321) is the Democrats’ bill to make voting fraud easier to commit and harder to identify and prosecute.  It’s being sponsored by Assembly Speaker Jason Frierson.

The Democrats have the majority in both the Assembly and the Senate and can pass the bill by a simple majority.  And there’s nothing Republicans can do to stop them.

Or is there?

Now here’s where things can get a little confusing, so bear with me.

While the Democrats have the majority in both houses, they do NOT have a super-majority.  A super-majority is where you have at least 2/3 of the seats, which is needed to pass tax hikes and certain other bills.

So for any bill requiring a 2/3 super-majority, Democrats need at least two Republicans in both houses to pass it. That gives Assembly Republicans some negotiating leverage on about three dozen bills that are still alive and kicking this session.

All Republicans have to do is stick together as a block and refuse to vote for any of those 2/3 bills unless they get some significant concessions in return on, for example, the election reform bill.

Which brings me to Senate Bill 53 (SB53).

The bill was requested by the Governor’s office and has to do with reorganizing the management structure of our state parks.  In itself, it’s not a controversial bill.

However, it DOES require a 2/3 super-majority to pass because it affects how money is spent under the new system.  The Senate passed the bill unanimously, 21-0.

On Monday it came to the Assembly for a vote.  And this is where the lack of strategic thinking and hardball deal-making come into play.

Assembly Republicans had the opportunity to block the bill and potentially use it for a little “horse-trading” on AB321 as the session comes to a close.  You want something from us; we want something from you.  The art of the deal.

Instead, FOUR Assembly Republicans – including three in caucus leadership positions – gave the Democrats the votes they needed to pass SB53 without getting even some table scraps in return.

The art of blowing a deal!

This is all because Assembly Minority Leader Robin Titus installed timid, moderate Republicans in leadership positions before the start of the session.  These folks are stuck in the “minority party” mentality instead of the “opposition party” mentality.

They just want to go along to get along like they always have.  Don’t make waves.  Don’t rock the boat.  And get a pat on the head from the left, the lobbyists and the media for being “good little Republicans” when the session is over.

As for the Democrats, who can blame them for not buying the cow when they can get the milk for free, right?

Maybe they would have just let AB53 die without any concessions.  Then again, maybe not.

As Wayne Gretzky famously said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”  And Assembly GOP leaders simply chose not to take this shot.

So when AB321 – the Democrats’ “Easier to Cheat Act” – passes in the coming days, don’t let Republican caucus leaders tell you there was nothing they could do.  There was.  They just chose to play tiddlywinks instead of hardball.

And yes, it infuriates my GOP colleagues when I call them out on this stuff by name.  But YOU have to live under the laws we pass and YOU deserve to know the truth about who’s blowing it for you and giving aid and comfort to our opponents.

So here’s the list of four Republicans who voted for SB53, along with their contact info in case you wanna to reach out…

Assistant Assembly Minority Leader Tom Roberts
Email:  [email protected]
Phone: (775) 684-8853

Assistant Assembly Minority Leader Jill Tolles
Email:  [email protected]
Phone: (775) 684-8837

Assembly Minority Whip Glen Leavitt
Email:  [email protected]
Phone: (775) 684-8503

Assemblywoman Melissa Hardy
Email:  [email protected]
Phone: (775) 684-8823

And here’s the contact info for Leader Titus who put those folks in caucus leadership positions…

Assembly Minority Leader Robin Titus
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (775) 684-8507

As a final note…

Some continue to criticize me for not joining the Republican Assembly Caucus last November even though I’m a Republican.  Truth is, I saw these sorts of go-along-to-get-along “sell-outs” coming as soon as the caucus leaders were named and wanted no part of being associated with them.

I don’t regret that decision.  Not.  One.  Bit.  Not.  For.  One.  Minute.

Even though I have no chance of being named Miss Congeniality this session, I’m satisfied with being the only member of the independent “Black conservative caucus” with Annie’s Army watching my back!



“I’ve never been interested enough in politics, and everything was fine. Not so now, and getting worse. I’ve lived in Nevada about 20 years and didn’t really know what was going on. I appreciate your letting us know what you are fighting for and what we can do to help. I love being a part of Annie’s Army and really appreciate all you are doing.” – Diane Senif


“It’s time for Republicans to play offense against the left. The constant retreat of elected Republicans is one of the reasons we are in the mess we are in.” – Charlie Kirk, TPUSA

Annie Black is the Nevada State Assemblywoman representing District 19.  You can get more information and subscribe to her AnnieGram newsletter by visiting

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2 thoughts on “Assembly GOP Leaders Master the Art of Blowing a Deal”

  1. Nancy Carlson

    Finally, a Republican with some cojones who I can support ENTHUSIASTICALLY! If we don’t stand up as a party we will be annihilated, we need to work together for a change for change. It can’t be business as usual or we will never make any progress. We have lost our media and the presidency, we can’t lose our country!

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