First Step Taken in Ending the #SisolakShutdown, However…

(Annie Black | May 8, 2020) – Under enormous pressure from Nevadans all across the state who’ve been participating in public rallies against the #SisolakShutdown since Easter Sunday, Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak buckled on Thursday afternoon and FINALLY began the process of re-opening Nevada.

A week earlier than he originally planned.

Starting tomorrow, retail stores, restaurants, car dealers, furniture stores, barber shops, hair & nail salons, tennis courts and golf courses will be allowed to reopen under certain government-imposed restrictions

On the other hand, casinos, bars, nightclubs, fitness centers, gyms, recreation centers, indoor malls, bowling alleys, sporting events and movie theaters will remain shut down.  And we all remain on “house arrest” for at least another week.

Which makes no sense.  Why open up businesses if potential customers are still ordered to stay at home?

And consider this…

The governor declared that restaurants can begin reopening tomorrow – but only at 50 percent capacity.  So if your restaurant normally seats 100 people, you can only allow 50 in at a time.

On the other hand, he specifically prohibited family get-togethers of 10 or more people to celebrate Mother’s Day this Sunday.

How does that make any sense?

In any event, our public pressure is working.  Protests and rallies have been getting bigger and louder every week.  By making the governor feel the heat, he finally saw a glimmer of light.

Now if we can just get him to open his eyes all the way, maybe we can get Nevada re-opened all the way.  And with that in mind…

Despite Threats, the “Freedom & Liberty” Rally is ON!

Since tomorrow will be Day One of Nevada’s partial reopening, we’ll have a partial celebration in the morning at a Freedom & Liberty Rally in the Sun Valley Plaza parking lot in Mesquite.

We want ALL of Nevada safely re-opened, not just parts of it – including our casinos.

And although City Attorney/mayoral candidate Bob Sweetin has been pressuring the city behind the scenes to shut us down – including the city’s Code Enforcement Officer sending us a cease-and-desist letter earlier this week – we won’t be intimidated into giving up our right to peacefully assemble and protest.

So the scheduled rally tomorrow morning is ON.

In addition, I’ll have a petition on-hand calling on the Clark County Election Department to set up an IN-PERSON voting location in the Mesquite City Clerk’s office at City Hall.

There’s already an in-person location set up for the Las Vegas metro area for voters who want to cast their ballot securely without the risks of fraud and error by mailing it in.  But Mesquite voters have to drive over an hour each way to get there.  That’s not right.

So please join me tomorrow morning at Sun Valley Plaza from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. to celebrate this partial but hugely significant re-opening victory, sign the petition, and keep the pressure on Gov. Sisolak to re-open ALL of Nevada.


“It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” – Samuel Adams

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