Don’t Take My Word for It about Chris Edwards Starring in “The Wire”

Here’s What Conservatives He Falsely Accused Have to Say About It…

In previous AnnieGrams I’ve mentioned the fact that my opponent, Assemblyman Chris Edwards “wore a wire” hoping to entrap his conservative colleagues during the 2015 session…

…and that his vote in a caucus leadership election was the swing vote that resulted in the largest tax hike in Nevada history.

Now…I understand how jaded and suspicious you might be when it comes to allegations made in a political campaign.  And frankly, I don’t blame you.

So the following is a first-person account of exactly what transpired in the chaotic early days of the 2015 session, along with a copy of a police report confirming the details of the investigation and wiretaps.

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Former conservative Republican Assemblywoman Shelly Shelton posted the following on her Facebook page on May 20, 2020…

In 2014 Nevada experienced a “Red Wave” of elected Republicans. This potential power for change was sabotaged by Assemblyman Chris Edwards.

On the day after the election we (newly elected legislators) met at the home of Michele Fiore to discuss strategy. Edwards showed up late, and clearly drunk, after playing a round of golf. (he said)

We were having a great meeting till he showed up. Once Edwards arrived the tone changed. He didn’t want to meet in a public area of the home. He wanted to meet privately in a bedroom with only the elected officials being present, leaving our staff in the dark.

Turns out he was wearing a wire.

He had taken $10k+ from the Governor and his minions, in exchange for betraying Nevadans. Being $60k in debt, he also had the promise of more in the future.

Edwards had already approached Nevadans with the kiss of Judas, now he had to cover for himself and try to lay blame on us.

So he wore a wire, and tried to get us to say things that Metro had prompted him to get us to say, so that they could use it to tarnish the reputation of our caucus.

Well, we didn’t say or do ANYTHING illegal. We reminded him of his campaign promises, and we told him under no uncertain terms that we would publish all his lies to his constituents and campaign against him if he acted as a turn-coat to the people of Nevada. We also told him that we didn’t have any money to help with his debt, (that he seemed so concerned about) but that if he kept his campaign promises and voted the way he campaigned, that we would try to help him raise money, as we all did for each other.

Edwards took our conversations to Metro. We had done nothing illegal, but snippets of the conversation were enough to get all our phones tapped down to the second generation of calls. In other words, if I called my mom about her health issues, her phone was tapped, along with everyone she called. If I called a constituent, his or her phone was tapped, as well as anyone they called.

Metro launched an investigation that proved to be a big bag of nothing. Meanwhile, for three months they monitored all our calls without our knowledge.

We could not understand how the Governor and his staff knew every move we were making before we made it. Every plan we made was met with a block that only someone with inside information from our phone conversations could know.

We had a slight majority of “freedom minded” members, of which Edwards was one of the swing votes. We didn’t think there would be any issue with Edwards because he had campaigned as one of us. His entire campaign and persona had been a lie, but we didn’t know it until the day after the election.

In the end, Edward’s wire, his dealings with Metro, and his money from the Governor, are the reasons 2015 will go down as the year Republicans saddled Nevada with the highest tax in the history of the state.

No, Edwards didn’t vote for that tax. He didn’t have to. He had already given the Governor all the power he needed to generate the votes himself.

Many Legislators traded their vote for the tax in exchange for getting their own bills passed. I was not one of them. This was possible because the Governor controlled all the positions of authority in the Legislature. Some of our bills sat on desks and never got a hearing because we wouldn’t “play ball”.

I am not like Edwards, a sneaky politician with no morals. I went to Carson City and did exactly what I said I was going to do.

It’s time for Edwards to come out of the closet and let voters really know who he is.

Annie Black needs to replace him in the Legislature, and Chris Edwards needs to crawl back into whatever hole will take him. He has done enough damage to our state.

Former conservative Republican Assemblyman John Moore replied…

“This is 100% true, I was there and agree with Shelly Shelton. I would also add that Chris Edwards met with me on two different occasions in Las Vegas while he was wearing a wire and had metro detectives sitting in the booth behind me. Chris Edwards also offered to sell me his vote for Speaker for $10,000.  He did this while we were in his car. Chris Edwards is a RAT and should be dealt with like a RAT.”

Added former conservative Republican Assemblywoman Victoria Seaman…

“I was there.  Shelly’s account is absolutely accurate.  Chris double-crossed everyone. He talked like a conservative when he ran, but drank the Kool-Aid and went rogue as soon as he was elected.  Making false allegations is what he does.  If he told you the sky was blue and grass was green, you better get a second opinion. He is not a man of his word.”

From former conservative Assemblyman Brent Jones…

“I’m one of the legislators Chris had wiretapped.  Over and over again he secretly tried to get me to say things that weren’t true, hoping to bolster his false claim that his colleagues were trying to ‘extort’ him.  Metro concluded their investigation and no charges were ever brought against any legislators. 

“Chris would break his word over and over.  Would say, promote or agree to one position during caucus meetings and vote a different way on the floor.  He was a total disgrace and sell out.  The damage Chris did during that 2015 session cost the GOP its majority in 2016.”

Added former conservative Republican Assemblywoman Michele Fiore…

“After we learned Chris had been secretly recording our conversations, nobody trusted him.  Before caucus meetings I would specifically and directly ask him if he was wearing a wire, just to be on the safe side.  I wouldn’t trust that guy to walk my dog or fold my laundry. 

“What’s worse is he constantly tries to hide his lack of character by citing his military background.  If he’d been caught doing in the Navy what he did to his conservative colleagues in the Legislature in 2015, he’d have been court-martialed and given a dishonorable discharge.  Or worse.”

From Laurel Fee, a veteran conservative GOP activist who was directly involved in the 2015 session…

“Totally TRUE! Seen it with my own eyes! Plus, Metro also wire-tapped my phone. Chris Edward’s needs to be replaced. He is literally a lying, back stabbing POS! The slime actually wore a wire when meeting with fellow Republicans, and citizens too. This is absolutely true! Nevada, you can put the tax increase that year at the feet of Chris Edwards.”

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These first-party testimonials all came from people who worked directly with Assemblyman Edwards.  It’s not hearsay.  It’s the truth.

And it’s not negative to tell the truth about your opponent.

Conservatively yours,
Annie Black

Annie Black is Republican candidate for Nevada State Assembly District 19.  Paid for by Friends of Annie Black.  You can get more information by visiting

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2 thoughts on “Don’t Take My Word for It about Chris Edwards Starring in “The Wire””

  1. William Brent Moorhead

    The total lack of integrity and morality in the democratic party today is nothing less than appalling …. Saddly and equally destructive is those representing themselves as a conservative who openly turn their backs on the public who placed them in office.

    November is coming… we will not forget… and they included will be drained as a cancerous scumb from the swamp.

    To Annie Black and those who stand strong in the ranks with her…. GOOD JOB… Thank you for your honesty and determination. God bless you… God bless AMERICA.

  2. Pingback: Scam-PAC Launches “Saving Private Edwards” Hit Piece – ANNIE BLACK

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