How to Fight the Deadly Virus That’s Killing Our Constitution

(Annie Black) – FDR famously said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”  Not even remotely true as we witness constitutional liberties in Nevada being wiped out on an almost daily basis.

On April Fool’s Day, ironically, Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak – relying on constitutionally suspect authority – unilaterally declared that “all Nevadans are ordered to stay in their residences” for the entire month of April.

Effectively…house arrest.  For law-abiding citizens.  Without consultation with the Nevada Legislature.

This is dangerous.  This is legitimately something to be fearful of.

Unchecked government power – now coupled with the governor activating the National Guard – has historically resulted in government and political leaders seeking even more power.  That’s why Thomas Jefferson warned that…

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

Right now there is absolutely no vigilance over Gov. Sisolak’s authoritarian actions.

The mainstream media has fallen right in line and has helped spread mass hysteria.  And never has been heard a discouraging word from any of our elected legislators, including our own State Assemblyman Chris Edwards.

In our Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers declared that Americans “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

“Unalienable” means “unable to be taken away from.”

And it’s the job of elected officials to PROTECT those rights, not take them away.  Yet Gov. Sisolak has been systematically chipping away at them.  Your rights.  Your God-given rights.

As just one stark example, on March 24 the governor issued the following order…

“The Nevada general public shall not gather in groups of ten or more in any indoor or outdoor area, whether publicly owned or privately owned where the public has access by right or invitation, express or implied, whether by payment of money or not, including without limitation, parks, basketball courts, volleyball courts, baseball fields, football fields, rivers, lakes, beaches, streets, convention centers, libraries, parking lots, and private clubs.”

Even if you agree with the social distancing recommendations by health officials – and I voluntarily do – the governor’s unilateral mandatory declaration took away from you an “unalienable” First Amendment right…

“The right of the people peaceably to assemble.”

Why can’t groups of ten or more citizens peaceably assembly in an outdoor park if they keep six feet away from each other can carry hand sanitizer with them?

In addition, the governor’s order includes a ban on church services – again, even if you adhere to social distancing recommendations.  So much for your First Amendment right protecting against government infringement on the free exercise of religion.

And neither Assemblyman Edwards nor any other elected legislator has objected.

Then there’s your Fourteenth Amendment rights…

“No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Many of you have lost your job or had your business closed down due to Gov. Sisolak’s universal declarations without even a hint of due process.  As Clinton adviser Paul Begala once put it: “Stroke of the pen. Law of the Land. Kinda cool.”

No.  It’s not “cool” at all.  It’s dangerous. And it’s frightening.

Making matters worse, the governor has single-handedly decided what businesses are “essential” and which are “non-essential.”  This has resulted, for example, in liquor stores being designated as non-essential while grocery stores that sell liquor have been designated essential.

That’s decidedly NOT equal protection.  That’s a governor using self-declared powers to pick winners and losers in this crisis.  It’s just plain wrong.

Why can’t small liquor stores remain open as long as they follow the same social distancing and other health precautions that grocery stores are supposed to be following?

Some who are making excuses for the governor’s actions will argue that no “law” has been made; that the governor’s only taking “emergency” actions.

That’s even worse.

But if you want to make that argument – especially considering the length of time the governor has assumed his powers, with no expiration date in sight – you must make the argument that it’s time for the Legislature to be called into Special Session.

If we’re going to be stripped of our rights, then every elected legislator should be on record either defending Gov. Sisolak or defending the Constitution.  They shouldn’t be allowed to hide behind the governor and avoid responsibility.

And there’s no excuse not to.  If Congress can find a way to meet while maintaining social distancing, the Nevada Legislature can certainly do so as well.

And if the governor won’t call a Special Session for fear of giving up his power, state legislators can do it themselves.

As a candidate for Nevada State Assembly District 19, I’m calling on the Legislature to do just that.

What about you, Assemblyman Edwards?

Are you going to continue to just stand by and watch your constituents’ rights being stripped away one-by-one, step-by-step without a peep of protest?

When you were sworn into office you took an oath to “support, protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States” and “bear true faith, allegiance and loyalty to the same; any ordinance, resolution or law of any state notwithstanding.”

If you’re going to abdicate the responsibilities of your office and don’t have the courage to speak out loudly and forcibly on behalf of your constituents’ unalienable rights, then the least you should do is resign and let someone else make the tough decisions you can’t seem to bring yourself to make.

In fact, why don’t you and I hop on a Zoom meeting and debate these issues.  The voters of District 19 deserve no less.

Will you accept the challenge?  Call me on my cell: (702) 872-2222.


“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Ben Franklin

Annie Black is a Mesquite City Councilwoman and Republican candidate for Nevada State Assembly District 19.  You can get more information by visiting 

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1 thought on “How to Fight the Deadly Virus That’s Killing Our Constitution”

  1. Spot on! I’ve been saying this fir about a month now. Not just Sisolak but the entire hysteria as if this is the Zombie Apocalypse we were all ready for.
    If there is a Zombie Apocalypse at least we know they’ll be ready. They’ve already shown us we don’t care about our civil rights

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