The Office Door Sign Fiasco Gets Nuttier

(Annie Black) – As noted in Thursday’s AnnieGram, the Sergeant at Arms came to my office on Wednesday and removed a temporary paper sign that jokingly read: “Come On In. We’re Open. Don’t Mask. Don’t Tell.”

We were told at the time the order came down from the Speaker’s office.  But apparently after getting an earful from soldiers in Annie’s Army, Speaker Frierson sent emails saying he gave no such order.

Shortly thereafter, I received an email from Susan Furlong, Chief Clerk of the Assembly, which read…

“I wanted to clarify why our Sergeant at Arms removed the signage referencing the wearing of masks that was posted to the outside of the exterior door to your office on Thursday morning.  … The Sergeant at Arms is responsible for enforcing the rules, and it was me – not the Speaker – who instructed her to remove the signage from the outside of your outer door, because it violated Assembly Standing Rule 150 (attached).  I understand you were given the wrong information by the Sergeant at Arms and apologize for the miscommunication and any confusion it may have caused.”

OK, fine.  A failure in communications.  It happens.

But that still doesn’t address the problem since posting of the sign was decidedly NOT a violation of Assembly Standing Rule 150.  Here’s the relevant part of that Rule…

“…a member shall cover his or her mouth and nose with a multi-layer cloth face covering…in…(b) The presence of another person, including, without limitation, legislative staff, interns, lobbyists, or press representatives, within a private office or caucus room.”

Sorry, but a temporary paper sign with a tongue-in-cheek message taped to my door does NOT violate Rule 150.  A sign can neither catch nor transmit COVID.  That’s “science.”  You could look it up. Or even ask Dr. Fauci.

The sign was nothing more than pure satirical speech and posed no danger to anyone in the building.

On the other hand…

While Ms. Furlong’s “rules” require every member of the Legislature to wear a face mask, even when speaking on the floor, guess who almost never wears one when speaking and working in the Assembly Chamber?


This is in violation of the Legislative Counsel Bureau’s (LCB) own established COVID rules which state…

“Any time an employee is not alone in his or her own closed office, a face mask must be worn.”

I remain unfazed, but yes, am rather irritated by Ms. Furlong’s hypocritical double-standard.

The more they try to shut me up, the more committed I am to speaking up!

That’s what you sent me here for.



The Democrats are trying to ruin our democracy by removing ALL Voter ID Laws!  We CANNOT let them do this!

Sign your name on this new online petition to show that you SUPPORT Voter ID Laws!

Click here


* My floor statement in opposition to AB109, the anti-charter school bill.  Click here


* In case you thought I was kidding when I wrote that the “rules” for you to get into the Legislature’s building now that it’s “open” are absurd, click here

* Tomorrow will mark Day 77 of this session. The Assembly has met as a body on 43 of those days; less than four days a week.  Tell me again why we need to meet more than 120 days every two years?  If we’re not putting in a full week’s work, we sure don’t need annual sessions.

* Zane Floyd, the monster who shot to death four innocent people in a grocery store rampage in 1999, has requested that his execution be via firing squad rather than lethal injection.  To demonstrate our humanity, I think we should grant his wish.


“Hi, Annie. I see that the list of RINOS is growing by the day, and I have you to thank for informing us. I’m keeping a list so I’ll know for whom to NOT vote for in the future.” – Francine Huffman

“Annie, I commend you on your professionalism in dealing with these so-called representatives of the people. I don’t know how you stay composed and respectful with these politicians. The anger us regular folks feel is growing with every ridiculous bill, or infringement on our rights.” – Tim Ottmann

“Just wanted to send a little note saying how much I appreciate you and what you are doing! I agree with 99% of your positions. You are truly a breath of fresh air for our state and honestly the most honest straight-forward politician I’ve ever encountered. My only question is, when are you going to run for president?” – Corie Keyes

“Hello Annie. I’m reading your Annie-Grams and shaking my head. Why we continue to ‘run’ these folks and support this kind of thinking is unimaginable to me. There is no doubt that you are headed for ‘big things.’ You are a giant among pygmies. We totally need more like you.” – Joe Hooven


“Due to COVID-19, we are asking rioters to work from home and destroy their own stuff.” – Madison Gesiotto Gilbert

Annie Black is the Nevada State Assemblywoman representing District 19.  You can get more information and subscribe to her AnnieGram newsletter by visiting

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