Floating Around in the Cesspool

(Annie Black) – You may recall the absolutely disgusting personal attack and threat an “anonymous” Edwards supporter sent me a couple weeks ago.  Well, he sent another last week…

“Brian is supporting Edwards and digging up all the dirt he can on you and your S.O. (significant other) and passing it on to Edwards.  Mormon leaders are now opposing you.”

“Brian” is fellow Mesquite City Councilman Brian Wursten, who was also referenced in the original threat.  So I reached out to Councilman Wursten again and he again assured me it wasn’t true, adding…

“I absolutely agree these anonymous emails and false names are disgusting behavior.”

Thank you, Brian.

As for supposedly losing support from leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that’s not what I’m hearing.  However, if they – or anyone else – are swayed by these septic tank tactics and support Chris, that’s their right.

After all, it’s still a free country.  At least for now.

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